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Arboricultural Clerk of Works supports established trees during fencing renewal scheme
Arboricultural Clerk of Works supports established trees during fencing renewal scheme
Published on 22 Aug 2024

Earlier in the year, we were brought in last minute for de-vegetation works as part of a shared fence renewal project adjacent to the M6 toll.

With two weeks to quote, mobilise, complete all the health and safety, and complete the works it was going to be a fast turnaround. When we visited the site, we noticed a lot of established willows and hazel trees on the third party land adjacent to the fencing site that would likely be impacted by the de-vegetation and fence renewal.

We asked about the root management plan. There wasn't one. So we brought in our Arb Consultancy team who provided an Arb Impact Assessment and a Tree Survey. They also provided an Arboricultural Clerk of Works (ArbCoW) who was onsite throughout the works to protect the tree roots.

Our ArbCoW had a great relationship with the contractors on site, overseeing the fence installation, removing any roots those that could be removed without impacting the trees and assisting with the positioning of the protective membrane.

Our operations part of the project took two shifts, to clear the vegetation, involving a standard tree crew, a whole tree chipper and a tractor with grain trailer. The chipping was taken away for biomass. With so many specialists on site, all with specific jobs to complete, it was so helpful to have a dedicated person looking after the established trees.

It meant that everyone could focus on the part of delivery they were responsible for and ultimately, was of huge benefit to the existing trees and surrounding nature.

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